SATT Sud-Est at VivaTechnology 2019 Paris

par | Mai 3, 2019

Claire Hellio, Professeure des Universités à l’Université de Bretagne Occidentale (UBO), et Marc Antonini, Directeur de recherche au Laboratoire d’Informatique, Signaux et Systèmes de Sophia Antipolis, ont reçu le 14 novembre la médaille de l’innovation du CNRS.

The #deeptech from public research at VivaTechnology 2019

The SATT Network is the flag bearer of Deep Tech at VivaTechnology 2019! The SATT South-East and the SATT Network will meet you at the world's leading trade fair for start-ups and leaders on Thursday 16 and Friday 17 May 2019 to discover promising deep tech start-ups and innovations from public research.

"VivaTech" is the global meeting place for start-ups and leaders to celebrate innovation. It is a gathering of the world's brightest minds, talents and products that will take place in Paris from 16 to 18 May 2019.

On the occasion of VivaTech, the SATT Network, the SATT South-East and the SATTs will present 12 promising deep tech start-ups resulting from research work in the fields of mobility, energy, artificial intelligence and computer science. They will pit their wares and give a testimonial on Thursday 16 May on Bpifrance's stand K08.

On the program of this day dedicated to the challenges of Deep Tech :

  • 2:30 pm: presentation by Pascale RIBON from BpiFrance on the deep tech plan,
  • 14h40: masterclass by Suat TOPSU, President of IDF Innov "integrating a disruptive technology in his start-up",
  • 15h to 15h10: Q&A with Pascale RIBON & Suat TOPSU,
  • 3.10 pm to 4.15 pm: Pitching of the 12 deep tech start-ups supported by the SATT Network, the SATTs and the SATT South-East,
  • 4.15 pm to 4.50 pm: investors' round table.

Masterclass " Create your own Deeptech startup " (Bpifrance video)

Pitches and feedback from 12 deeptech start-ups (Bpifrance video)

Pitching supported by SATT South East

On May 16th, the pitching of the start-ups will start at 3:10 pm. And, from 3:42 pm to 3:45 pm, Laurent HENOCQUE, CEO of KeeeX, will present the start-up KeeeX, accompanied by SATT Sud-Est. KeeeX publishes a secure corporate messaging and agile file management software that does not transfer any data from its users to its servers. This is made possible because the documents are self-secured and organized in a tamper-proof chain, according to a model that can be compared to the block chains of electronic currencies. Learn more about it.

Le vendredi 17 mai à 9h00, Alice DALL’ARMELLINA, doctorante dans l’équipe Chimie Bioorganique et Systèmes Amphiphiles (Institut des Biomolécules Max Mousseron UMR 5257), du Dr Christine CONTINO-PEPIN, Maître de Conférences à Avignon Université, pitchera le projet « Extremulsion », lauréat de My Innovation Is 2018, sur le stand de la Région Sud.

The research work, the subject of the pitch, is devoted to the extraction of compounds of plant origin that can be used as natural ingredients of choice for food, food supplements, medicines, cosmetics or even perfumes.

Practical information


#deeptech @SATTse_ #startup @KeeeX @univamu @CNRS @BdM_incubator #Extremulsion @UnivAvignon @VivaTech @SATT Network

Moving from invention to innovation is a wonder. And we're lucky, it's what we do.

Find out how SATT South-East accelerates technology transfer by bringing together research and business players. From patents to operating licences, including proof of concept, SATT Sud-Est is a key player in the South and Corsica regions in the field of innovation.

Le Silo, 35 Quai du Lazaret, CS 70545
13304 Marseille Cedex 02

The South-East SATT
Project financed with the support of the European Union with the European Regional Development Fund.