Administrative & Financial Director
Researchers/inventors of our shareholder institutions, the Administrative & Financial Department of SATT Sud-Est
manages the recruitment of engineers on fixed-term contracts, subcontracting, and the purchase of equipment and consumables according to specifications, in compliance with the procedures and obligations of competitive bidding in the context of the use of public funds (management of purchase orders, supplier relations, etc.).
About the ERDF
The ERDF has been supporting the maturation projects of the South-East SATT since 2013. In 2015, the SATT Sud-Est obtained initial funding of €2 million. An application for funding for 2015-2017 has been accepted for an additional €5 million as part of the Development of Innovation and Information programme. ERDF funding requires rigorous administrative follow-up. They are monitored and controlled each year by the European Affairs Departments and the Managing Authority of the Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur Regional Council.
Public Procurement
SATT Sud-Est (SATT PACA Corse SAS) undertakes to implement purchasing procedures in compliance with Order n°2015-899 of 23 July 2015 relating to public procurement and Decree n°2016-360 of 25 March 2016 relating to public procurement. For consultations conducted according to a freely defined procedure, the South-East SATT uses the e-marchespublics.com platform.
To view current consultations, click here and log in or create an account.
Moving from invention to innovation is a wonder. And we're lucky, it's what we do.
Find out how SATT South-East accelerates technology transfer by bringing together research and business players. From patents to operating licences, including proof of concept, SATT Sud-Est is a key player in the South and Corsica regions in the field of innovation.
Le Silo, 35 Quai du Lazaret, CS 70545
13304 Marseille Cedex 02
Project financed with the support of the European Union with the European Regional Development Fund.