The University of Corsica's Doctoral Students' Day combines professional and scientific issues with multidisciplinary skills to make the doctorate a passport to the company.

par | Déc 1, 2020

Claire Hellio, Professeure des Universités à l’Université de Bretagne Occidentale (UBO), et Marc Antonini, Directeur de recherche au Laboratoire d’Informatique, Signaux et Systèmes de Sophia Antipolis, ont reçu le 14 novembre la médaille de l’innovation du CNRS.

On 21 October 2020, Tunç Ali KÜTÜKCÜOGLU from UMR Lisa and Salomé DUCOS from Laboratoire SPE won the SATT Sud-Est Prize in the SHS and Science & Technology & Health categories for their scientific poster presentations.

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The Doctoral School Environment and Society ED 377 works to give a more professional aspect to the career path of its doctoral students. In particular, it organises a colloquium every year, an opportunity for doctoral students and researchers to present the progress of their work and to exchange ideas in a spirit of conviviality and multidisciplinarity. The day revolves around a keynote lecture, pitches and poster presentations. Objectives ? PhD students learn how to communicate their research to non-specialized industrial and scientific audiences, inform members of the scientific community of the progress of their research and network with the professional world.

Doctoral Students' Day, or how to mix professional and scientific issues

« To carry out one's thesis in 2020 in a multidisciplinary centre under the supervision of the University of Corsica and according to the scientific policy of the latter, often generates an atypical career path and offers real opportunities to build a rewarding professional experience. Sharing experiences, collective analysis of work allow one to better position oneself in one's scientific environment, to become aware and to make civil society aware of the professional value of the skills that a doctoral student acquires during his/her PhD and then exploits throughout the course of his/her studies. »

Professor Alain MUSELLI, Director of the Doctoral School Environment and Society.

The 2020 edition of the Doctoral Students' Day was held on October 21 on the Grimaldi Campus. And it was Professor Emmanuel HIRSCH, President of the Council for Research Ethics and Scientific Integrity of the University of Paris-Saclay, Professor of Medical Ethics of the Faculty of Medicine, and Director of the Ethics Space of the Ile-de-France region, who gave a lecture entitled " COVID-19: Ethics, Society, Politics " - a topical theme while the day was being held in person, and the conference keynote in a distance.

Since 2018, SATT Sud-Est has been a partner of this event with its shareholder, the University of Corsica. This year again, Margot PROVOST, Technology Transfer Officer at SATT Sud-Est, represented SATT as a member of the jury and awarded 1 prize for 2 posters. Spotlight on the winners, Tunç Ali KÜTÜKCÜOGLU and Salomé DUCOS.

Determining the place of ecology in the dominant economic theory in undergraduate education in Europe

Tunç Ali KÜTÜKCÜOGLU is a second-year PhD student in Economics under the supervision of Professor Emeritus Paul-Marie ROMANI and Doctor Dominique PRUNETTI at UMR-CNRS n6240 "Places, Identities, eSpaces, Activities" (LISA), on the "TERRA" project.

The thesis work, entitled " The place of ecology in university economics teaching; the case in three European countries (UK, Germany, Switzerland) ", examines the relationship between the dominant "neoclassical" economic theory and ecology, and determines the place of ecology in undergraduate economics teaching in the UK, Germany and Switzerland.

3 questions to Tunç Ali KÜTÜKCÜOGLU

Comment faire bénéficier de la société civile du fruit de vos recherches / How can civil society benefit from the results of your research?

My research may be beneficial for developing better economics theory and education that help the society reach higher goals including sustainable life and well-being, ecological stability, social justice and equity. In my opinion, evolutionary - both social & biological - anthropology must be at the very basis of economics education. Otherwise, economics students can't see the complete picture including social and ecological realities of life, and are easy prey for economic myths that foster narrow, exploitative and short-term business interests.

Do you think you can influence the place of ecology in our European societies? And if so, how? / Do you think you could influence the place of ecology in our European societies? And how?

Yes, by writing articles and books, giving talks, devising holistic education programs as well as attending discussions that foster ecological literacy - in the deep and broad sense - in education. But the dominant mindset of the modern industrial education - as per the industrial paradigm: human-centered, mechanistic and reductionist worldview - isn't very easy to overcome; direct and practical life experience with nature, e.g. practical experience with permaculture gardens, natural garden ponds, guided forest tours, natural aquariums etc., is at least as important as theoretical education.

What career do you envision for the future; teaching, business, consulting?

I would like to work at rethinking Economics. Reforming the theory and teaching of economics radically to achieve higher goals like sustainable life and well-being, ecological stability, social justice...

I'd also love founding an academy for holistic education with ecological horticulture & farming as its core. An academy that combines theory and practice, culture tourism and entertainment, production and sales, covering fields like ecological horticulture & farming, ecological tourism, sustainable home and tool making, cooking, sports and fine arts, philosophy, anthropology, economy...

Last but not least, I wish to set up natural aquariums and natural garden ponds for ecological literacy and entertainment.

My article "Misconceptions of neoclassical economics and their possible causes" explains my PhD poster and work. I recently submitted it to an academic journal and it's now undergoing the routine review process. I hope it will be published soon.

To study the performance and behavioural traits of 2 marine species classified as vulnerable in order to promote their recovery in Corsican coastal waters.

Salomé DUCOS is a PhD student in the first year of her thesis in Physiology and Biology of Organisms under the supervision of Professor Antoine AÏELLO and Doctor Eric DURIEUX at the UMR CNRS 6134 SPE, on the "GEM" project. His thesis is entitled " Population restoration of the Dentex dentex denti and Sciaena umbra corb in the Mediterranean: evaluation of individual performance, individual and population monitoring of juveniles ". The aim is to determine the individual performance and behavioural traits of juvenile denti and corb produced in hatcheries, two emblematic Mediterranean fish species present in Corsican coastal waters and classified as "vulnerable" on the IUCN Red List (Global for denti and Mediterranean for corb).

4 questions to Salomé DUCOS

Salomé, tell us why and how does aquaculture meet the challenges of preserving the environment and fishery resources?

The denti and the corb are two emblematic Mediterranean fish species present in Corsican coastal waters. To preserve them, in situ measures have been taken. These species have both been classified as "vulnerable" on the IUCN Red List since 2011 and the corb has been subject to a moratorium on recreational fishing since 2013. In addition to these provisions, aquaculture could constitute an ex situ conservation strategy, through active support for their reproduction and recruitment. Population restoration actions could then be carried out using juveniles produced in hatcheries, then released back into the environment after their individual performance has been determined.

The objective of my thesis is precisely to study the feasibility of this strategy by testing the effect of different reproduction and breeding protocols on the behaviour of individuals produced at the STELLA MARE platform in relation to their adaptation to the natural environment. This population restoration method would thus be designed to limit the decline of fish stocks of proven halieutic interest.

In your opinion, what will be the societal benefits of restoring the populations of these two species in terms of preservation of the marine ecosystem, and what influence can this have on the territorial enhancement by professional or recreational fishing on the Mediterranean scale?

Thanks to the various exchanges I have had with fishermen, or more broadly, with professionals whose activity depends economically on these species, I have been able to understand the issues and difficulties they face.

It is too early to say, there are actually very few studies on the subject and none on these species, so the approach is for the moment completely experimental in order to bring a maximum of knowledge on the subject. In the medium term, however, I obviously hope very much that these programmes will bear fruit in terms of application. Today, it is no longer a time for observations but for an active search for concrete solutions to respond to these problems. More generally, the local preservation of fisheries resources involves the sectors of science, fisheries, environmental management and the economy, and it is in our interest to work together with a view to achieving beneficial societal spin-offs in the area.

Do you envisage the development of an aquaculture production chain for these species, following the example of what exists for sea bass or sea bream?

We are indeed working in partnership with aquaculturists to consider larger scale production of these species for commercialization. The STELLA MARE platform's work also concerns the control of the larval phase and production yield with a view to industrializing protocols. This work is carried out in parallel with the restoration of the environment.

Tell us what are the prospects for valorising your work and how can professionals or fishing enthusiasts benefit from these results?

It is quite motivating and interesting to imagine that this work will be able to contribute to the preservation of fishery resources in different territories on the Mediterranean scale by transferring protocols and knowledge to other laboratories and teams of managers in order to respond to specific issues.

For me, the best enhancement of my work would be to see it extended to other species in a more global perspective of marine fauna preservation.

The South-East SATT team congratulates all the doctoral students and the two laureates - Tunç and Salomé - and wishes them all the best for the future. We look forward to following their promising careers. We look forward to the 2021 edition, which will undoubtedly be just as rich.

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