Moving from invention to innovation in health situations

par | Mar 19, 2020

Claire Hellio, Professeure des Universités à l’Université de Bretagne Occidentale (UBO), et Marc Antonini, Directeur de recherche au Laboratoire d’Informatique, Signaux et Systèmes de Sophia Antipolis, ont reçu le 14 novembre la médaille de l’innovation du CNRS.

SATT South-East remains operational and supports you in your technology transfer projects.

Given the unprecedented situation we all face, for public health reasons and in accordance with government directives, we have taken steps to maintain our activities and services.

  • All of our teams continue to work from home. They remain operational and attentive to your needs in order to respond to your requests and technology transfer projects from invention to innovation - our core business. Whether it is a question of receiving your invention declarations, filing your patents, prospecting or negotiating...
  • All our events are cancelled or postponed. We will inform you as soon as possible. Meetings and appointments are maintained and are held via videoconferencing.
  • Dear startupers, we are suspending direct debits until June. Payment schedules will be implemented on future invoices for companies in difficulty who request them. You can also contact our partners Bpifrance and French Tech Aix-Marseille to benefit from additional measures.

You can reach us preferably by e-mail via the form, here, or by phone at +33 4 91 91 20.

In the face of this major crisis, we all stand together. Take care of yourself and your loved ones.

Moving from invention to innovation is a wonder. And we're lucky, it's what we do.

Find out how SATT South-East accelerates technology transfer by bringing together research and business players. From patents to operating licences, including proof of concept, SATT Sud-Est is a key player in the South and Corsica regions in the field of innovation.

Le Silo, 35 Quai du Lazaret, CS 70545
13304 Marseille Cedex 02

The South-East SATT
Project financed with the support of the European Union with the European Regional Development Fund.