"The health axis, beyond therapies, diagnostics and medical devices, extends to sport and well-being and targets research results with high transfer potential.
is challenged by market needs; and we carry out targeted monitoring, conduct Calls for Expression of Interest, and consult academic and industrial experts. The "Prostate cancer antisense" project is an original approach using therapeutic synthetic DNA to block a target expressed in prostate cancer; this project is co-funded by Inserm Transfert. The sub-axis of sport and well-being has good prospects within the framework of Marseille-Provence European Capital of Sport in 2017. »
sCD146 Biomarker IVF Implant Competition embryos for infertile parents
What's that? A biomarker for selecting embryos with the best potential for implantation.
For what application? To improve the chances of successful in vitro fertilization.
Who invented it? Laboratoire d'Histologie-Embryologie-Biologie de la Reproduction, Laboratoire d'Immunologie de La Conception, Laboratoire de Physiopathologie de l'Endothélium (Inserm U1076), AP-HM, CHU de Nîmes, Université de Montpellier
Who was involved? Aix-Marseille University, Inserm, AP-HM
State of Maturation: Industrial Validation
+ Co-maturation and sub-licensing contracts have been signed with Diasys Technologies, a subsidiary of the Diasys Diagnostics Systems Group (Germany), leader in the field of diagnostics.
dendriTAC - Nanoemulsions to destroy cancerous tumors
What's that? Use of perfluorocarbon nanodrops stabilized by dendrimers called "dendriTAC" as tumor targeting tools.
For what application? The target application will be to treat cancerous tumors by locally delivering active ingredients.
Who invented it? The Max Mousseron Institute of Biomolecules (IBMM UMR 5247a), Laboratoire d'Imagerie Biomédicale (LIB UMR-S 1146, UMR 7371), Laboratoire Physique Statistique (LPS UMR 8550)
Who was involved? University of Avignon and Pays de Vaucluse, CNRS, UPMC, Inserm, University Montpellier 1 and 2, ENSCM, ENS, University Paris Diderot and University Paris V
Maturation: Experimental validation
BISE - Innovation in MRI imaging for a better view of myelin
What's that? BISE, a technique for quantitative in vivo imaging of myelin, the substance used to isolate and protect nerve fibres.
For what application? To diagnose demyelinating diseases and evaluate therapies for multiple sclerosis and other central nervous system disorders.
Who invented it? The Centre for Biological and Medical Magnetic Resonance (CRMBM)
Who was involved? Aix-Marseille University, CNRS, Institut Carnot STAR
State of Maturation: Clinical validation in progress
+ Co-maturation and sub-licensing contracts have been signed with Diasys Technologies, a subsidiary of the Diasys Diagnostics Systems Group (Germany), a leader in the field of diagnostics.
Supervised Segmentation of Muscle MRI Images - Better Diagnosis of Muscle Disease by Imaging
What's that? An image processing software for supervised muscle MRI segmentation.
For what application? The monitoring of muscular diseases, particularly sarcopenia (decrease in muscle mass in the elderly) and the improvement of sports training and the determination of the effectiveness of therapeutic strategies.
Who invented it? The Centre de Résonance Magnétique Biologique et Médicale (CRMBM)
Who was involved? Aix-Marseille University, CNRS, Institut Carnot STAR
State of Maturity: Experimental Validation
Dizziness: A Treatment for Inner Ear Balance Problems
What's that? A potential anti-vertigo drug candidate.
For what application? To treat the symptoms of a pathology that affects one in three people with vestibular disorders.
Who invented it? The Laboratory of Integrative and Adaptive Neurosciences (LNIA)
Who was involved? Aix-Marseille University, CNRS
State of Maturity: Consolidation of the proof of concept
Supervised Segmentation of Muscle MRI Images - Better Diagnosis of Muscle Disease by Imaging
What's that? An image processing software for supervised muscle MRI segmentation.
For what application? The monitoring of muscular diseases, particularly sarcopenia (decrease in muscle mass in the elderly) and the improvement of sports training and the determination of the effectiveness of therapeutic strategies.
Who invented it? The Centre de Résonance Magnétique Biologique et Médicale (CRMBM)
Who was involved? Aix-Marseille University, CNRS, Institut Carnot STAR
State of Maturity: Experimental Validation
Diagnosis Atherosclerosis: Centre Méditerranéen de Médecine Moléculaire (C3M, Université Nice Sophia Antipolis, Inserm, U1065), Institut des Maladies Métaboliques et Cardiovasculaires (I2MC, Inserm, UMR 1048)
Development of a biomarker to prevent a first infarction in populations predisposed to Acute Coronary Syndrome (ACS) prior to atheromatous plaque rupture.
ISA method and virus re-encoding: Laboratoire Émergence des Pathologies Virales (EPV, Aix-Marseille University, Inserm, IRD, U190)
New process for obtaining vaccines from attenuated viruses The maturation program focuses on candidate vaccines for veterinary use, with an evaluation of their production yield and infectivity.
Pluripotent cell differentiation process: Medical Genetics and Functional Genomics Laboratory (Aix-Marseille University, Inserm, UMR_S910)
The maturation program should provide predictive models of different neuronal cell types from human induced pluripotent stem cells. The objective is to propose non-toxicity tests of drug candidates or to validate their efficacy in human neurodegenerative models.
Prostate Cancer Antisens: Marseille Cancer Research Center (CRCM, Aix-Marseille University, CNRS, Inserm, U1098)
The objective of the project is to demonstrate the efficacy of therapeutic synthetic DNA interacting with an mRNA encoding a protein expressed in the tumour process. The goal of this program is to slow down the tumor process and decrease resistance to hormonal and chemotherapeutic treatments.
M-CSF: Centre d'Immunologie Marseille-Luminy (CIML, Aix-Marseille University, CNRS, Inserm, U6102)
Preventive and curative treatment to strengthen and accelerate the restoration of the immune system of immunocompromised patients during stem cell transplants. This treatment prevents the development of fungal, viral or bacterial infections inherent to this type of transplant.
Antiviral Dengue: Architecture and Function of Biological Macromolecules Laboratories (AFMB, Aix-Marseille University, CNRS, UMR 7257), Emergence of Viral Pathologies (EPV, Aix-Marseille University, Inserm, UMR_S190)
Following an initial project, this maturation has made it possible to validate the activity of the antiviral molecules developed and to select the best antiviral compounds active on the 4 serotypes of the Dengue virus compared to molecules developed, or in the course of development, by pharmaceutical or biotechnology companies.
"The support of SATT Sud-Est, within the framework of the PROMETHEUS maturation project, has enabled me to apply the results of my research work through the development of an innovative imaging device. SATT Sud-Est financially supported the project and its team also made a significant contribution with original ideas. I hope that this relationship between research and technological development can continue for years to come. »
"As the director of the laboratory, I particularly appreciated SATT's interventions in my laboratory. The staff were made aware of the importance of the SATT through a clear speech, and they understood that the SATT represented a real support for the development of their skills. Two invention declarations were filed (12 researchers at LP3) following these actions. In my capacity as project manager, I greatly appreciated the efficiency of SATT's work, which carried out the patent application and the market study, and supported me with a pre-maturation project. This support allows us today to validate our idea. The interaction with the SATT engineer is very constructive and enriching, and goes far beyond mere financial support. »
"We had identified molecules that inhibit the polymerase of the dengue virus, which are effective in a cellular context, i.e. antiviral potentials. Working with the SATT has enabled us to take several important steps in this program, with the definition of an intellectual property strategy, which has resulted in the filing of two patents, and to benefit from reinforced skills in medicinal chemistry. We are now looking for industrial partners, again with the support of SATT experts. »
Moving from invention to innovation is a wonder. And we're lucky, it's what we do.
Find out how SATT South-East accelerates technology transfer by bringing together research and business players. From patents to operating licences, including proof of concept, SATT Sud-Est is a key player in the South and Corsica regions in the field of innovation.
Le Silo, 35 Quai du Lazaret, CS 70545
13304 Marseille Cedex 02
Project financed with the support of the European Union with the European Regional Development Fund.