A strong dynamic to federate innovation stakeholders in the South & Corsica Regions

par | Juil 16, 2020

Claire Hellio, Professeure des Universités à l’Université de Bretagne Occidentale (UBO), et Marc Antonini, Directeur de recherche au Laboratoire d’Informatique, Signaux et Systèmes de Sophia Antipolis, ont reçu le 14 novembre la médaille de l’innovation du CNRS.

Patents, maturation projects, transferred innovations, accompanied start-ups, discover without further delay the 2019 successes in the activity report of the SATT South-East.

Download the 2019 activity report

" 2019 was the scene of great achievements of which I am particularly proud. »

Laurent BALY, President of SATT Sud-Est

The year 2019 is in line with the continuity of the Avenir Investment Program, in particular by obtaining financing of €16 million, thus making the first seven years of its existence a reality. The assessment drawn up was based on a simple idea: to consolidate our added value within our ecosystem. This is what we have been working towards throughout 2019, which has been marked by a number of important milestones. In particular, 2019 was an opportunity to bring the ecosystem together around two key events. The first Aix-Marseille Innovation Trophies organised with Protisvalor, the French Tech Aix-Marseille and Aix-Marseille University brought together more than 800 people at the Silo de Marseille. The fourth edition of My Innovation Is took place in November 2019 at the University of Corsica and the Inizià Incubator in Bastia. Fourteen researchers, PhD students and start-ups were honoured.

"The South-East SATT is establishing itself as a key player in regional economic development. »

Laurent BALY, President of SATT Sud-Est

A look back at the year 2019 with several key figures :

  • 117 declared inventions
  • 89 registered intellectual property titles
  • 17 new maturation projects committed on which we have invested €3.67 million
  • 13 operating licences were signed for a transfer turnover of €1.33 million.
  • 15 start-ups with the French Tech Seed Provence Corse label

Our ongoing efforts demonstrate that the effectiveness of the South East SATT remains the same regardless of the size of the companies it targets. In 2020, the focus will be on adapting our transfer offer for start-ups - in particular Deep Tech - in close collaboration with our shareholders, incubator partners and Bpifrance. Bpifrance has also been entrusted with the management of the SATTs, thus creating a new dynamic thanks to the development of concrete actions on a national scale aimed at SATTs, researchers, PhD students and startups. The Deep Tech Tour, the SATT-Incubator-Accelerator programmes and the i-PhD innovation competition are particularly good examples of this measure. As for the French Tech Seed call for expressions of interest, we are winners with our private and public partners at the head of the French Tech Seed Provence Corse consortium. The year 2019 also marked the 80th anniversary of the CNRS, which highlighted the technologies promoted by SATT Sud-Est.

To go further


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Moving from invention to innovation is a wonder. And we're lucky, it's what we do.

Find out how SATT South-East accelerates technology transfer by bringing together research and business players. From patents to operating licences, including proof of concept, SATT Sud-Est is a key player in the South and Corsica regions in the field of innovation.

Le Silo, 35 Quai du Lazaret, CS 70545
13304 Marseille Cedex 02

The South-East SATT
Project financed with the support of the European Union with the European Regional Development Fund.